Going on a trip? Don’t forget a magnet for the fridge…Taking a vacation? Don’t forget a magnet for the fridge…Want a useful memento? Don’t forget a magnet for the fridge! According to a 2013 CBS News poll, more than 8/10 Americans have magnets on their refrigerator. Over 30% have more than 10 magnets, while 24% have between 5-10. No matter how one looks at it, it is a common occurrence throughout many American households. We often bring them back as tokens of our travels. We display them as comical trophies on our appliances for visitors to see as we wait with trepidation for the inevitable…“Oh…have you been to all these places?”

In addition, throughout history, the West has fetishized the non-western world along, social, cultural and economic lines. Voluntourism is one of the many modern manifestations of this patronizing exotification, providing the wealthy in the west with short term feel good opportunities and experiences to add to their “refrigerators” of life. It is a phenomena that highlights the reality that many are more comfortable “addressing” issues half a world away than similar issues in their own communities

“Collectibles” is a series of composited photographs that explores the ideas of souvenirs and the patronizing exotification of the non-western world by subtly presenting Nigerian street images within the framework of a collection of refrigerator magnets from various locales. It seeks to challenge the viewer to consider their own avenues of privilege (social, cultural, economic, geographical, educational, etc.) in relation to the world around them and their personal motivations in “good acts”.

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